Friday, April 29, 2016

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain
Pain is used by the body as a warning system. It alerts you to injuries and danger. Sometimes however pain persists long after the initial danger is passed. Chronic pain has many causes. It can initially be triggered by an injury, illness or an ongoing condition such as arthritis or cancer. Despite the large number of people who suffer from chronic pain the true causes of it are not understood.

Some chronic pain is caused physically. A strained muscle or sprained joint will hurt long after it has been injured and a broken limb can still twinge and ache even when it is completely healed. Neurogenic pain results from damaged nerves misfiring and sending false stimuli to the brain. Back pain is one of the leading complaints of chronic pain sufferers and one of the trickiest to treat.

Managing persistent pain can be as difficult as diagnosing it. Medical doctors will typically prescribe medicines, especially if an injury is the culprit. Unfortunately many painkillers can be habit forming or lose their efficacy over time. Today's opiate crisis can be due to excessive use of opiate medications when first injured. If pain is still present, with no repairable cause, pain management is often used. and also uses medications as a primary approach to treatment.

Many people find that chiropractic treatment when used initially and as a primary method of care will bring about a naturally healing in a reasonable period of time. Your body heals itself given the right physical and chemical conditions. Chiropractic treatment can reduce the need for medications and reduce the chances of becoming reliant upon medications. Chiropractic physicians provide a non-drug and naturally based approach to your health care. We utilize physical and nutrient methods of care to restore the normal functions of your structural and neurophysiological systems. With a balanced structural system - your nervous system can respond more efficiently with your environment thus helping to assure your body will respond well to your daily stressors of life.

If you are in the West Hartford area and suffering from chronic pain or have a new injury contact Dr. Duenas at (860)523-5833 or online at